People at the Centre: Myth or Reality?

Article written by Monika Stoiber, Simonetta Cavasin and Paola Valassina. Published on Sviluppo & Organizzazione March/April 2024.

In this article recently published by ESTE ITALIA on ” Sviluppo & Organizzazione”, our colleagues: Monika Stoiber, Simonetta Cavasin and Paola Valassina, analysed what it means today to ‘put people at the centre’: a well-known principle that has gained traction since the pandemic, driven by the increasing recognition that people are genuine stakeholders, essential for ensuring an organization’s long-term sustainability.

They addressed this topic with some Chief People Officers, engaging through both a structured survey and ongoing dialogue. Their reflections revolve around three fundamental pillars of human resource management:  knowledge, listening, and participation. Chief People Officers face complex challenges such as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, organizational fluidity, and the evolution of leadership models. Technology and sustainability profoundly influence people’s management. The ability to manage change requires strategic vision, implementation skills, and inclusivity.

The original article in Italian is available via online subscription to Rivista-sviluppo-organizzazione


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